The new color measurement tool software automatically enters the color calibration slope and intercept values for the three color components. 

Ensures color uniformity for every glass panel.

k-Space has added new color measurement functionality to its line of glass inspection and defect detection tools. With the kSA Color Measurement tool, RGB values are calibrated to known color Swatch standards. L*a*b* values can also be determined, ultimately enabling the tool to provide an accurate measurement for absolute color values. This is another great example of k-Space collaborating with its worldwide customer base.

According to k-Space CEO Darryl Barlett, “users of our solar and glass inspection tools asked us for accurate color measurement capability. They need to make sure every panel meets their color and tint needs. We built our new color measurement capability to complement the existing glass defect and glass break detection capability, all within the same inspection tool.”

The kSA Color Measurement tool is simple to set up and combines the company’s hardware and proprietary software to ensure both monochrome and color calibration.

Contact our Sales Engineering team to find out more.

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