In Situ Thin-Film Stress, Strain and Wafer Curvature
In situ tool for measuring real-time film stress, film strain, and wafer curvature induced by thin films or thermal processes on a substrate/wafer.
MOS Module: In situ modular tool for measuring real-time film stress, film strain and wafer curvature induced by thin films or thermal processes on a substrate/wafer, ideal for MOCVD reactors with high speed or low speed rotation and limited optical access.
Ex Situ Thin-film Stress, Strain, Wafer Curvature, Bow, and Tilt
kSA MOS UltraScan/ ThermalScan
Ex situ tool with full 2D wafer mapping, for measuring film stress, film strain, and wafer curvature, bow, and tilt induced by thin films or thermal processes on a substrate/wafer.