The kSA MOS UltraScan and kSA MOS ThermalScan systems are ex situ, flexible, high-resolution scanning wafer curvature, bow, and tilt-measurement systems.


The kSA MOS UltraScan and kSA MOS ThermalScan systems are flexible, high-resolution scanning wafer curvature, bow, and tilt-measurement systems. Based on proven and patented kSA MOS technology, the kSA MOS UltraScan uses a laser array to map the two-dimensional curvature, wafer bow, and stress of semiconductor wafers, optical mirrors, glass, lenses – practically any polished surface. For room temperature measurements, explore the kSA MOS UltraScan. If you want to know how your wafer changes with temperature, explore the kSA MOS ThermalScan.

For more information see the kSA MOS UltraScan Product Specification Sheet →
For more information see the kSA MOS ThermalScan Product Specification Sheet →

The standard kSA MOS UltraScan system provides a 300 mm x,y scanning range for wafers or other reflective samples with better than 1 um scanning resolution. Optionally, larger scanning stages (larger glass panel mapping platforms) are available. Scans are fully programmable and extremely repeatable for selected area, line scan, or full area map of wafers. The system also provides quantitative film stress analysis with full area spatial map by first scanning the bare wafer and then re-scanning the wafer post-process. Unmatched curvature, stress, and bow analysis capabilities are at your fingertips for obtaining large wafer or other sample uniformity profiles and/or localized isolation of sub-millimeter areas of interest with very high spatial resolution.

XY Scanning

kSA MOS UltraScan is equipped with XY scanning over a 300mm x 300mm area. This provides the advantage of uniform spatial data resolution over the entire sample (wafer, mirror, or other reflective surface). At large diameters spatial resolution will not be lost, which is typically a problem in linear scanning systems with rotation stages. It also provides easy measurement set up for rectangular samples or for mapping limited areas of a sample.

Bow Height

When a laser is reflected off a bowed sample, the reflected angle will differ at different points on the wafer (or other sample). The automated laser tracking in the kSA MOS UltraScan optics not only keeps the laser array centered on the detector but also measures the changes in the angle of reflection of the laser array in order to determine the local wafer bow height and surface tilt angle.

Film Stress

To generate a thin-film stress map of a wafer, the local curvature of the wafer must be determined both pre- and post-deposition. The point-by-point thin-film stress is determined based on the change in the point-by-point curvature from the pre- and post-process curvature maps, as well as the substrate thickness, the biaxial modulus of the substrate and the film thickness. The changes in stress of a thin film after processing may also be determined from the wafer curvature maps measured after the subsequent processing steps.

kSA MOS ThermalScan includes all the capabilities of the kSA MOS UltraScan, and adds an integrated heating chamber with process gas introduction capabilities for wafer thermal stress analysis up to 1000 °C. Scans are fully programmable and extremely repeatable for selected area, line scan, or full area map of wafers (depending on model selected). The system also provides quantitative film stress analysis with full area spatial map by first scanning the bare substrate and then re-scanning the wafer post-process. Unmatched wafer curvature, stress, and bow analysis capabilities are at your fingertips for obtaining large sample uniformity profiles and/or localized isolation of sub-millimeter areas of interest with very high spatial resolution.


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